Buku Tamu

Sabtu, 25 April 2009

English task 2

Hollywood in showdown over DVD 'ripper'

  • By PAUL ELIAS, Associated Press Writer - Fri Apr 24, 2009 7:45PM EDT


Hollywood calls it "rent, rip and return" and contends it's one of the biggest technological threats to the movie industry's annual $20 billion DVD market — software that allows you to copy a film without paying for it.

On Friday, industry lawyers urged a federal judge to bar RealNetworks Inc. from selling software that allows consumers to copy their DVDs to computer hard drives, arguing that the Seattle-based company's product is an illegal pirating tool.

RealNetworks' lawyers countered later in the morning that its RealDVD product is equipped with piracy protections that limits a DVD owner to making a single copy and a legitimate way to back up copies of movies legally purchased.

The same federal judge who shut down the music-swapping site Napster in 2000 because of copyright violations is presiding over the three-day trial, which is expected to cut to the heart of the same technological upheaval roiling Hollywood that forever changed the face of the music business.

The studios fear that if RealNetworks is allowed to sell its RealDVD software, consumers will quickly lose interest in paying retail for movies on DVD that can be rented cheaply, copied and returned.

Their lawyers argue the software violates a federal law known as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act that makes software and other tools that enable digital piracy illegal. They also contend shoppers will widely condone such illegal behavior if RealNetworks' product is allowed on the market.

Bart Williams, a lawyer representing the studios, told the judge that evidence uncovered in the litigation shows RealNetworks engineers purchased copying software illegal in the United States from a company in Ukraine.

"One is not supposed to copy DVDs and that's in fact what RealDVD does," Williams said. "Real's objective in all of this is to make money off the studios' investments without paying for it."

The company argues that the contract it signed with the DVD Copy Control Association, which equips DVD player manufacturers with the keys to unscrambling DVDs, allows RealDVD because the software doesn't alter or remove anti-piracy encryption like illicit software that is easily obtained for free online.

RealNetworks says its product legally fills growing consumer demand to convert their DVDs to digital form for convenient storage and viewing.

"RealNetworks saw there was an unmet consumer need," said company lawyer Leo Cunningham. "RealNetworks is a company that respects copyrights."

In October, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel temporarily barred sales of RealDVD after the product was on the market for a few days. At the time, the judge said it appeared the software did violate federal law against digital piracy, but ordered detailed court filings and the trial to better understand how RealDVD works.

The lawsuit has incurred widespread wrath from bloggers, digital rights advocates and groups on both sides of the political spectrum, including former Republican congressman and Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr and the left-leaning Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Critics accuse the studios of stifling innovation as they attempt to develop their own copying software.

"It's all about control," said Cato Institute scholar Timothy Lee. "No one is allowed to innovate in the DVD space without industry permission."

The industry, through the Motion Picture Association of America, counters that its goal is to stamp out piracy. It says it welcomes legitimate attempts at innovation.

Regardless of the trial's outcome — and the judge isn't expected to rule immediately — some predict that Hollywood control over digital copies will continue to wane because of the proliferation of illegal software online.

"If Hollywood wins, I don't think much changes in the real world," said Fred von Lohmann, an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Anybody who wants DVDs copied can download software for free in 10 minutes."

English Task

Obama touts plan to change college loan system

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Friday renewed his call for the government to stop backing private loans to college students and replace them with direct government loans to young people, a challenge to a decades-old program with strong congressional support.

Obama's plan to eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan program could save $48 billion for taxpayers over the next decade, but critics warn it could turn the Education Department into a national bank. Lenders and some college officials oppose the proposal, which Obama backed as a U.S. senator and pushed during the presidential campaign.

"In a paradox of American life, at the very moment it's never been more important to have a quality higher education, the cost of that kind of education has never been higher. ... Yet, we have a student loan system where we're giving lenders billions of dollars in wasteful subsidies that could be used to make college more affordable for all Americans," Obama said at the White House.

He was joined by Stephanie Stevenson of Baltimore, Md., a University of Maryland student, and her mother, Yvonne Thomas.

Under that system, students at some colleges borrow directly from the government, while others get loans from banks, non-profits or state agencies who in turn receive subsidies from Washington.

The president's proposal would switch the federal student loan system entirely to direct lending from the government.

Obama acknowledged that the proposal was sure to find critics, given the financial stakes. He warned banks and lenders were "gearing up for battle. So am I."

Republicans are concerned about the costs and even some Democratic lawmakers oppose the switch.

Sen. Lamar Alexander, chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, said ending a successful lending program and giving more power to Washington and Education Secretary Arne Duncan would not help students.

"Arne Duncan, I think, is the president's best appointee. But as secretary of education, he should focus on paying teachers more for teaching well and creating more charter schools — that's his agenda," said Alexander, a former education secretary. "I don't think Secretary Duncan came to Washington to be named Banker of the Year. The Department of Education should not be a $500 billion national bank."

Higher education groups are divided, although a petition against the plan drew signatures from college loan officers around the country. Universities welcome more money for student aid, but about two-thirds of colleges use the subsidized lending program and some want to keep the program.

Lenders are also fiercely lobbying against the proposal, which would end a historically lucrative business.

"The president's proposal to eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan Program will do more harm than good," said Kevin Bruns, executive director of America's Student Loan Providers. "The proposal does nothing to make college more affordable for the vast majority of students who require loans to pay for college."


AP Education Writer Justin Pope contributed to this report from Raleigh, N.C.


NB:This just my english task,cause i don't bring my removable disk,I post it to my blog. Sorry guys....

Jumat, 17 April 2009

Hasil OSN 2009 Kendal _ Smanik

Hasil OSN Kabupaten Kendal

1. Nurcholis
3. Agus

3. Pipin

1. Aulia
3. Rizky

1. Wigas
3. Heri

1. Intan

1. Aniq
2. Ida

1. Hero
2. Kukuh

1. Titis
2. Irza
3. M Yusuf

Rabu, 15 April 2009


Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Kendal /Fax.(0294) 381136 - 383970
e-mail: sma1kendal@plasa.com web:sma1kendal.sch.id

No. 422 /192/SMA.1 Kdl

Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010

SMA Negeri 1 Kendal sebagai Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional, pada tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 membuka Penerimaan Siswa Baru kelas X (sepuluh) dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
A. Ketentuan Umum
1. Seleksi penerimaan siswa baru mengacu kepada:
a. Ketentuan dari Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Atas, Direktorat Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional yang tertuang dalam Panduan Penyelenggaraan Program Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional (R-SMA-BI) tahun 2009.
b. Surat Edaran Direktur Jenderal Manajemen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Nomor 169/C.C4/MN/2009 tanggal 10 Februari 2009 tentang Mekanisme Penerimaan Siswa Baru (PSB) Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional.
c. Keputusan Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Kendal Nomor : 421/191/SMA 1 Kdl tahun 2009, tentang ketentuan Penerimaan Siswa Baru tahun pelajaran 2009/2010.
2. Pada tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kendal yang mengikuti program Rintisan SMA Bertaraf Internasional adalah :
1. Siswa kelas X sebanyak 10 kelas (masing-masing 36 orang)
2. Siswa kelas XI sebanyak 10 kelas (masing-masing 39 orang).
3. Penyelenggaraan seleksi penerimaan siswa baru kelas X dilaksanakan lebih awal dari jadwal pelaksanaan penerimaan siswa baru SMA lain di Kabupaten Kendal.
4. Seleksi penerimaan siswa baru dilaksanakan berdasar prinsip adil, transparan, dan akuntabel

B. Komponen yang dijadikan sebagai Dasar Seleksi Penerimaan Siswa Baru adalah :
1. Nilai Rapor SMP/M.Ts dari kelas VII s.d. Semester 5 Kelas IX
2. Achievement Test (Tes Kemampuan Akademik) meliputi : Matematika, IPA, IPS, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris
3. Psychology Test (Tes Psikologi) meliputi : IQ, CQ, TC dan kepribadian (personality test)
4. Piagam Penghargaan Prestasi (baik akademik maupun non akademik) bagi yang memiliki
5. Sertifikat Kursus Bahasa Inggris dari Lembaga Kursus (bagi yang memiliki)
6. Nilai Ujian Nasional dan Ujian Sekolah
7. Wawancara dengan Siswa dan Orang Tua Siswa.
C. Tahapan seleksi:
1. Seleksi administrasi meliputi
1. Nilai rapor kelas VII s.d. kelas IX untuk mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, IPS, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris rata-rata minimal 6,75 (untuk rentang nilai 0 – 10) dan 67,50 (untuk rentang nilai 0 – 100).
2. Penghargaan prestasi akademik maupun non akademik (kalau ada/bagi yang memiliki)
3. Sertifikat dari Lembaga Kursus Bahasa Inggris (bagi yang memiliki)
2. Achievement Test (tes kemampuan akademik) meliputi : mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, IPS dan Bahasa Indonesia dengan skor minimal 7 dalam rentang nilai 0 – 10.
3. Tes kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, meliputi: Reading, Listening, Writing dan Speaking dengan skor minimal 7,0 (untuk rentang nilai 0 – 10).
4. Lulus Tes Psikologi (psychotest), meliputi: IQ, CQ, TC dan kepribadian (personality test).
5. Wawancara kepada siswa dan orang tua. Wawancara dengan siswa untuk mengetahui sejauh mana minat siswa masuk program rintisan SMA bertaraf internasional, dan wawancara dengan orang tua untuk mengetahui minat dan dukungan orang tua.
D. Prosedur (tata cara) Pendaftaran.
1. Menyerahkan foto copy rapor SMP/M.Ts. semester 1 kelas VII s.d. semester 5 kelas IX, yang telah dilegalisir Kepala Sekolah.
2. Menyerahkan Piagam Penghargaan (Asli dan Foto Copynya).
3. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran seleksi penerimaan siswa baru.
4. Mengisi pernyataan (a) calon siswa (berminat menjadi siswa rintisan SMA bertaraf internasional di SMA Negeri 1 Kendal); (b) orang tua siswa (berminat/mendukung putranya sekolah di rintisan SMA bertaraf internasional SMA Negeri 1 Kendal).
5. Menyerahkan pas foto ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 3 lembar.
6. Membayar biaya seleksi calon siswa baru tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 sebesar Rp 50.000,00 (Lima Puluh Ribu Rupiah) meliputi biaya tes bidang akademik (Matematika, IPA, IPS, dan Bahasa Indonesia), tes bahasa Inggris tertulis dan praktik meliputi : Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking ) serta Tes Psikologi meliputi : IQ, CQ, TC dan kepribadian (personality test) serta Wawancara.
7. Menyerahkan Nilai Ujian Nasional dan Ujian Sekolah (satu hari setelah pengumuman kelulusan)

E. Hal-hal lain
1. Jumlah Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kendal tiap kelas maksimal 36 orang. Daya Tampung Siswa Kelas X tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 seluruhnya 10 kelas ( 10 X 36 = 360 orang).
2. Apabila pendaftar/peserta seleksi yang memenuhi persyaratan tersebut jumlahnya melebihi kapasitas yang disediakan oleh sekolah, maka diadakan peringkat (ranking); dan apabila ternyata jumlah pendaftar/peserta seleksi tidak/belum memenuhi jumlah peserta sesuai quota, maka akan dilakukan seleksi tahap II, (persyaratan akan diatur kemudian).
3. Bagi peserta didik yang memiliki prestasi akademik sangat baik, dan kondisi ekonomi orang tua kurang mampu, sekolah memberikan biasiswa guna meringankan beban orang tua. Jumlah siswa yang mendapatkan beasiswa disesuaikan kemampuan sekolah.
4. Keputusan Penerimaan Siswa Baru kelas X (sepuluh) SMA Negeri 1 Kendal dilakukan oleh sekolah sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku dengan sistem peringkat (ranking) yang dibutuhkan.
5. Penerimaan siswa baru tidak memperhitungkan bonus tempat tinggal.
F. Jadwal kegiatan Penerimaan Siswa Baru SMA 1 Kendal tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 diatur sbb:
1. Pendaftaran : tanggal 20 s.d 25 April 2009
2. Achievement Tes & Psychology Test : tanggal 25 Mei 2009
3. Tes Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris : tanggal 26 s.d 27 Mei 2009
4. Wawancara dg siswa dan Orang Tua : tanggal 28 Mei 2009
5. Penyerahan Nilai UN&US ke SMA1Kendal : tanggal …. (selambat-lambatnya dua hari setelah pengumuman kelulusan SMP)
6. Analisis dan penyusunan peringkat : tanggal 17 s.d 18 Juni 2009 *)
7. Pengumuman diterima : tanggal 19 Juni 2009 *)
8. Daftar Ulang : tanggal 20 s.d. 22 Juni 2009 *)
9. Hari pertama masuk sekolah : tanggal 15 Juli 2009.

Hal-hal lain yang belum diatur dalam edaran ini akan ditentukan kemudian, dan apabila ada perubahan atau revisi akan diberitahukan lebih lanjut.

*) Jadwal tersebut bisa berubah
mengikuti tanggal pengumuman
Kelulusan SMP/M.Ts. Kendal, 13 April 2009

Selasa, 14 April 2009

Lucky - Jason Mraz Feat. Colbie Caillat

Do you hear me,
I’m talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I’m trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard

I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooohh, ooooh, oooh, oooh,
Oooh ooh ooh ooh

They don’t know how long it takes
Waiting for a love like this
Every time we say goodbye
I wish we had one more kiss
I’ll wait for you I promise you, I will

I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we’re in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I’m sailing through the sea
To an island where we’ll meet
You’ll hear the music fill the air
I’ll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees
Move so pretty you’re all I see
As the world keeps spinning round
You hold me right here right now

I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
I’m lucky we’re in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

Ooohh, ooooh, oooh, oooh,
Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooooh, ooooh, oooh, oooh,
Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

Lagu ini bisa didownload disini!!!

Sabtu, 11 April 2009

Sms ramadhan n lebaran

Di tngah2 CUMI(cuacana silaturahmi),sblm sms jd CUMI(cucah msk inbox),q"A'an"mw CUMI(cuma mnt maap)smg allah CUMI(cudi mnrima ibadah qt.Met lebaran.


Kdang q sjhat PLANKT0N,sbdoh PATRICK,speLit MR.CRAB,skonyoL SPONGEB0B,sjutek SQUITWUORT,
Tp prmHonan map q sGdE BIKINI B0TT0M..wiinda m0h0n maaph LahiR btiind..


???? ???? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ????? ????.
Sèlàmàt Harì Ràyà Idùl Fìtrì 1429H. Môhôn mååf lâhir dån båtîn .


miNaL a¡Dz¡N WaLFaiDz¡N.mhN 5f Lah¡R ßaT¡N,WaLau TangaN g' TerpAut,paNdan9 maTa g' ada krn jaRak jauh .mhN d 5fkaN ßiLa aDa dOsa...

Ktika senja syaban mulai brlalu & fajar ramadhan mulai mnjelang, dr jauh izinkan tangan brsimpuh utk lisan yg prnh mnoreh luka, janji yg trabai, hati yg brprasangka & skp yg prnh mnykitkan. Slamat mmsuki Bulan Suci Ramadhan, smg amal ibadah kt dridhoi Allah SWT.. Amien


Mbah MaRijan Pancen Roso,, wingi ktiban kLopo,, Untune nJPAT SiRae LoRo,, Tp oRa po2,, snajan ketupate durung onO,, Sdoyo LePATe kulo Nyuwun di NgaPuRo,,, Yo..
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin... Mhon Maaf lhir&Btin.
Maafin smua slahQ y?


Manusia takan prnh luput dr kesalahan & dosa
Mka dr itu marilah kta di hari yg fitri ini saling memaafkan
Selamat hari raya idul fitri
Mhon maaf lhir & batin


S"t bedug bergema ada haru,ada rindu,QT bka lmbr bru tux mlngkh
Tiada klmt smulia "dzikir"
Tiada niat sebaik "ibadah"
Tiada ucpn seindah "maaf n memaafkn"
Minal aidzin walfaidzin
Mhn maaf lahr btn.


GmA tKbiR tLah ß'kUmNdaN6,,
Blñ rMdaN sDh b'lLu,,
N hRi kmNn9an pUn tLah tb@,,
Mri Qt suÇikn hTi dGn s£n9 m'5afkn..
MiÑal aiDin wAl fa!Dzin,,
5af Lhir ßtin,,


Isl@m ib@r@t b3rli@ñ,$ti@p $i2ñ¥ m3m@ñc@rkñ kil@ü k3iñd@hñ ¥9 $mpürñ@,b9tüpüñ $hr$ñ¥ qt,m@@fkñ jk d!dit @d@ $l@h. M@rh@b@ñ ¥@ R@m@dh@ñ..


Sms ucapan tahun baru

Kìtä hìdüp däläm wäktü
Täñgìs täwä béñÇì rìñdü däñ ÇìñTa
TéLäh méñyäTü däLäm säñg wäktü
Kénängän démì kénängän téLäh mémbümì d'däLämñyä
Täk pérLü lägì käü méLìhäTñyä
Täpì lìhätläh d'dèpäñmü tähüñ bärü 2009 käñ méñyämbüT qTä
So " häppy nEw yEäR "
Bè tHé bèsT güys


I_I ";
I_I ";.*
I_I ";
I_I *
I_I "*
¤ *HAPPY* ¤
',-NEW YEAR-,'


FAITH makes all things possible..
HOPE makes all things work..
LOVE makes all things beautiful..
May you have all..
Oshogatsu omedeto gozaimasu.. Akiramenaide!!


Sms selamat pagi

( ==0=======<
"gitarIniYgAknMmbawakanLaguIndhUtkNgcpin "
"MeT pgE cnTix"


< ' )._,/')
((e> )'

Ni qksh AyAM Bt bNgUnin QM...
AYo bnGun2...


sTi2x cYg bKn rUz cNt
sUcp jNj bKN rUz pCy
sGorez LkA bKn rUz kCw

bUd sBwh pShbtn yG dJlni dG kStyan Kn bMkna sLmaY, , ,
gUt pGiEe. . .


Qt sMw mnGyuh pRhu nsB,
Mski glmBn6 trUs mnRus dTg & qT tak bs lo2s,
Tp jK qt pErnh khlgN jln,
GlmbNG i2 kn tnJknMu jln mlalui hRi brkut'a,,

Wilujeng m0rnin9,,


Q ingn jd s'ti2k chya mntri yg m'ngtuk jndla kmr'u
Q ingn jd s'ti2k bntang trNg yg trNgi mlm'u
Nmun i2 smw tak mgkn,,
Yg q ingn kni hnylah da dhti'u
Met pge,,


S'indh plgi d snja hri...,
se2Juk embn di pgi hri..,
s'elok syair mnytuh hti.., Dgn stlus hti, Q
Ucpkn met pAgì..kWan!
Smbut pgi yg indh dngan snymn mU.. ^.~


Q ingn jd s'ti2k chya mntri yg m'ngtuk jndla kmr'u
Q ingn jd s'ti2k bntang trNg yg trNgi mlm'u
Nmun i2 smw tak mgkn,,
Yg q ingn kni hnylah da dhti'u
Met pge,,


Sms Joke

Pjmkn maTa
@ suLap jd
cwok cakep







/ /
(.)(.) busyed
(----) ko jd
>=< kodok?
Maap Salah mantra!!


Bs bAcA g?Pst g bs!!klo mö bAcA hÄdÄPkÄn hp mU ke cermin


Jik4 a!r hjn mMpu pCahkn btU krg,mk 4!r mAT@ pun mMpu Lu"hkn hti sSe0rg..tp air LudAhmu tu Lho dLeWEraN mBOk diLap wZ gedhE kq isEh ngeCEsAN.... hehee....


AYAM n9endhok
Netese 21dino

0ra bedo k£eh MENUNGSO

0no sing APIK lan
Ono sing 0LO

koyo KULO

sing 0LO
koyo sing MOCO!!


, --' ^ '-- .
/ (. )( .) \
/ / )"" ""(' \,\
\\/ . \ / /
#! v !#
\ / /
\ / /
( / tOmBo n9aNt0k..!!¿¿


DaRi DeDy
Pd awL BLn dpn
U akn dtmbK Org yg km ska
SebARin smz ni ke 19tmN Km.tlg jgn dhpu.ni bnr2 trjdi.dlm wkt 3hr gk dkrm u akn siaL Ampe uMr 45th


Selasa, 07 April 2009

Sms ucapan ultah

sang mntri mncuL u/ mymbuT pgi hr yg crh ni.
Brng" b'kiCauan me+ kCriaan pgi ni.
mMbgunkan u dr tDr mlM u yg lElAp,yg brtBurkn bntang" yg gEmerLpan.
& tag trAsa umur u kiNi t'lah b'tmbh 1th.
Q ingn ngCpin "hApPy b'day to u"
smga d hri bhgia u ni cMw impian u tCpai ,
+d sYg or2 n tmnd" ,
+gntEng ,
n+pntEr ia


( )"'()

("( '0(") Cii...


( )""( )

(")0(") Luck..


( )""( )

("(' 0' )") Baa!!!


hapPy birThDay. .
N@Na qiiYuTH. .

Mga d UlTah u nuii u tmbh:
.N tmBh ge lu maEm ea. .

. .;-)HopE the besT foR u;-). .


Helah nfas tiap dtik msh dpt dNikmati jntUng ta'hnti bdtak tnp dsdari mlalui dtik btmbAh USIA_MU
bdoaLh u/ dirimu&orglaen krn syukur t'panjat dgNikmat
met ultah


. Start our new year with
. New hopE .
. New wisH .
. New spiriT .
. Happy nEw yeaR .
This year can better than last


Rabu, 01 April 2009

Sms Selamat Malam

Q krm kt2 sbg bntl 2k mengukir mmpi2 indh,Q krm prhtian sbg slimut 2k mberi U khngtan d spjng mlm N Q krm doa 2k jg U hngga pgi kmbli mymbutmu. GoOd Night...


??\|/?? m3t bußug
Mg tdr nYnyk n mMpi indh..
Jgn lp b'doa ea..


Y Tuhan,,
Hny 1 pnta q pd-Mu
Jglah shbtQ,,
Brikn kshtn'a pd'a,,
Brikn kbhgian dlm tiap lngkh'a,,
Krn dy lah shbt y6 plñg b'harga dlm hdpQ,,
Amin, , ,
Gud ñìté, , ,
Mèt ߤ". . .
Jgñ Lp b'd0a y,,


SwRa gEmeRciK huJan..
meNghiaSi mLm yG sUnYi,.

AngN yG brHmBuZ peLn,.
TmAni U dtdR LeLpMu..

BiNtg2 bRtBrN dLangT yG GeLp..
mNjga U saAt U B'miMpi..

_GoD NitZ..MeD bubuG,,_


Ktk kglapn dtng dhdpnMu
Q kn dtng dg chya htQ tuk mnyinri jwaMu
5afknlh tngkh lkuQ slm ni,Q hny ingn mlndngiMu,,
Mét bv2g,,
Tdr yg nYñyk,,
N sWe3tz dr3amZ, , ,


Jk tLh EnGgan Mata'u MnTap mLm,
PjamKnlah Dg Lembut.
UcaPlah SlMt Tdr Pd SmEsTa,
Dan BayAngKan tTg MimPi INdaHYg Kan TemaNi LeLap Tdrmu
Met Bu2g jJ..(^_^)


()" " "() ,@@
( ' = ' ) ,@@@@
('"),,,('") " @@@
q cm mw ngcpn
Met buBug ea,,
Mmpi indh,,


Bintng akn trs b'snar dhtmu,pelangi akn trz memncar d wajhm,mmp indh kn trs mghiasi tdr mlmmu smp mntri pgi mggntkn sang mlm.smbtlh embun pgi d dpn rmhm&hysi bnga d alm keindhn,hdp hr esok dgn ksbrn,hdpi smw mslh dgn symn.
Met mlm shbt...


BiNtaN9,,bNtu dy Me2jMkaN Mta'y.tmNi dy dLm MiMpi
iNdah'a.A9ar EsOk P9i dy tRbn9N d9n SNyuM maNiz'a... Smpaikn slmq untk'y "met buBug"..
Jgn lp b'doa ea..


pjmKAn mAtamu brSm hen!Ng'y mLm,,pt!kLah buNga mmpi dgn jEmari kLmbUtn,,tdurLh dg S'jUta imp!an,.
smpE pgi kmbLi dtng mnypAmu dg snyUmn,.
medh bBubug.


When i’m walking in front of you,i’m protecting you. .
When i’m beside you, i’m there for you. .
When i’m behind you, i’m watching over you. .
When i’m alone, i’m thinking of you. .
MeT bu2g. .


Qt hdp dlm wktu
TNgis tawa canda benÇi rindu n ÇinTa
Tlh mNyaTu dLm saNg wkt
KnNgn dmì kéNngn jgnlah dsesali
Tak prLü ge kau m'LyT'
Pi lytlah k dpn dg sNymN,,:)
Met mlem jg,,


:-) . ' + (ñ) . +
+ ___ ___ + ' +
/______/ .;';;';.
,,, ___n,, ,_ ,,,, )(,,,, zz bNtg&buLaN dh muNcL artNy hr dh mlM

zz (>"""<)
zz ( - . - )
Ni, pke slimut
Agr g kdnginn&dggt nymuk
N jgn Lp b'doa,
Good night,
have a nice dream,


()"" ')

( ,'O') ")

(,,) )

BnKa,,tmEnN na"Qiiyud bu2g eA. .


> ' ' <

BnTan9,,trAn9ilh mMpi'a. .


( -_- )


Mlaikat tLn9 jga'n nAnA eaH. .


!""! ..!!!!.. ///
(v_v) (-_-) (0-0)
./ L. ./'L. .J L

Nie Q krim 3 pnjga kcL bwt nmEnin u bu2g. . .
Mmpi'n q eA. . .


( ='o'=) Me0n9..
( )'( ) Me0n9..

j9n bRiSik dunk PuS.. udaH mALeM
aD y9 Istirhat Tuch.. Qt UcPn,
MeT tdr aJa:-)


((. .)) .-"""-.
( o ) (( 'o' ))
=(,,)=(,,)=(,,)==(,,)= gUk!

sOrry kL pupyNa Brsik,mrk Cm
blg,meT mlemb



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